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Fiesta Kurasoleño

The organizers of the Amsterdam Roots Festival granted Izaline the assignment to form a dream band and fulfill a dream-project especially for this festival. She decided to put together this band with extended horn-section to make a tribute to Curaçao composer Rignald Recordina, better known as Doble R. There were some great reviews on the concerts she did.

Reviews (Dutch)

Izaline Calister - vocals
Randal Corsen - piano
Eric Calmes - bass
Ulrich de Jesus - guitar
Niata Augusta - backing vocals
Roël Calister - drums
Michael Magou - bongos, backing vocals
Liber Torriente - timbales
Gerardo Rosales - congas
Joe Rivera - trumpet
Wim Both - trumpet
David Rothschild - trombone
Konstantin Klastorni - saxophone